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3 Effective Steps to Conquering your Fitness Goals in 2019

As the New Year approaches many of you will be looking at setting some goals or new year resolutions.  Mostly centered around working off those extra kilos gained during the countless Christmas parties and family gatherings over the holidays.  However, the unfortunate reality is come March most will have fallen into their old ways and those goals and resolutions will be long forgotten.  Here are three easy steps to follow when setting goals that will ensure success and longevity.


When setting your goals make them achievable and realistic.  As much as you may want to lose 20kg in 2 weeks it is not going to happen.  You may want to put 10kg onto you back squat in a month. Again, it is not going to happen. The key is to start small and then work from there throughout the year.  Get an early win and tick off one of your goals in the first few weeks. This builds momentum.  Instead of aiming for a loss in body weight, maybe aim to cut out fast food or sugar for 30 days. Maybe aim to get to the gym 3 days a week.  This is achievable and realistic, all while working towards a healthier you and losing those kg’s!


This is the most important.  You must set measurable goals as you need to have something to work towards.  Also, how do you know if you are improving if you can’t measure the progress.  I often hear people start up at the gym because they want to get “toned” or become healthier.  What does this even mean and how do you know if you are toned or healthy?  This is not measurable.  Set a goal that you can track over a set time period and measure. 


Holding yourself accountable is key.  There are two easy ways to become accountable.  The first is to announce your goals to the world. If you tell everyone what you are doing and trying to achieve, you are more likely to follow through and succeed.  You will then always have people asking about your progress and no one wants to be that person who quits.  The second is to have a partner in crime.  Grab a friend or family member and set your goals together.  It is always easier to go to the gym or eat healthier if you have someone to do it with.  One person can usually push the other through the times when you are on struggle street. 

Follow these three easy steps and you will be ticking off those fitness goals in no time!